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Furniture | Tables


I have always been intrigued with chairs, and have tried to make chairs that were both comfortable and interesting as artworks on their own. I did extensive research and testing on human dimensions and comfort factors before coming up with a set of angles and measurements that make my all metal chairs quite sittable.

Head Chairs

The first chairs I made were these Head chairs, with each face hand bent and unique. I made chairs, rocking chairs, benches, and bar stools in this design.

Another very poplular piece, with hundreds made, was the Hand bar stool.

Many people have made metal furniture over the years, but what made mine different was the combination of unique design, (at least until somebody copied me, which happened often), comfort, sturdy construction, and reasonable prices. This bar stool, for example, retailed for $250. All of my chairs were in the range of $250 to $1000- expensive compared to a $5 plastic yard chair, but compared to custom furniture at the time, very reasonable.

Hand Stool
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Cowboy Chair

I made a lot of chairs with various ideas worked into the arms, back and seat. There were seafood chairs, monument chairs, skyscraper chairs, winged chairs, and this cowboy chair.

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Vegetable chairs- modeled on the classic Parisian cafe chair, these chairs feature handpainted backs with some of my favorite vegetables. I also made fruits.

Vegitable Chairs
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Forces of Nature Chairs

The Forces of Nature- sometimes my chairs ended up being 3 dimensional bookreports, as in this series that depicts Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism and Light. Plasma cut, with handpainted details, these are very sturdy, and quite functional.

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In 1992, when Thurgood Marshall died, I decided I wanted to note the life of this extraordinary man. I made a commemorative chair about him and his life, originally thinking it would be just one chair. Response was amazing, and I expanded the concept to a series of chairs commemmorating people I was interested in, making each in a signed numbered edition of 24. There are over 25 different people in this series, including musicians, artists, scientists, entertainers, aviators, writers, and other people who made a difference.

Thurgood Marshall Chair

Miles Davis Chair
Miles Davis Chair
Groucho Marx Chair
Groucho Mark Chair
Salvador Dali Chair
Salvador Dali Chair
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WC Fields, Groucho, Burns Bench

I made this bench for a friend in Baltimore who has a cigar store. He wanted a place where his customers could sit and smoke, amongst famous cigar smokers- hence George Burns, Groucho, and W.C. Fields. The arms are big cigars, and the stretcher down below depicts antique cigar bands.