Twist is a craft store and gallery in Portland,
Oregon. In 1994, the owners renovated an historic 1912 brewerey
near downtown Portland for their new location. As part of the
project, they commissioned me to create a series of new railings
for the outdoor patio at the rear of the store.
This series of 6 panels features decorative picture
frames set into a background of polka dots. Within the frames
are a variety of images relating to the store and its owners.
They include historic craft objects, local landmarks, craftsmen
working, and a portrait of the owner's daughter.
Scattered throughout the background are small
'dingbats' - little treats for the eye. The railing borders two
sides of the patio, running approximately 50 feet long and 3 feet
tall. It is plasma cut from steel and then powdercoated.
Commissioned by Twist.